Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Back To Work

It's been so long since I've visited The First Draught, I was half expecting it to be shut down. It's been a crazy ride the last couple months coping with changes and planning the future. The biggest of the changes is moving. My year long experiment of commuting from Naugatuck to Massachusetts is coming to an end. Our house has been on the market for a couple weeks and we've put a deposit on a house in MA. It's been almost eight years since the last move and this one is feels like it's happening at light speed.

My company is managing the move so I suspect speed saves on cost. The process has been pretty efficient but there are times when we want to slow down and really think about our choices. Calls and e-mails keep coming and I feel we are being swept along for the ride. On the other hand, there some things we want done pronto and some folks don't have the same urgency. We'll just have to persist and learn along the way. What else can you do?

There's a saying that I've heard put a couple different ways: If you're not living you're dying or if you're not getting better you're getting worse or if you're not moving forward you're really falling behind. The common thread here is motion. Keep moving. Don't get complacent. The rolling stone gathers no moss and the idle stone gets eroded by the elements. Decision? Let's roll.

Work continues on the Torrington Football Letterman's Club 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. We'll be playing on June 24th at Western Hills Golf Course in Waterbury, CT. The net proceeds will benefit the Torrington High School Football program. There's been a lot of juice about the club lately. An article ran today in the Waterbury Republican American in the Litchfield County section. Follow the link or copy and paste to your web browser to check it out -  http://www.rep-am.com/articles/2011/04/17/news/local/552121.txt

Soon, our VP Scott Langenheim and I will head up to WZBG in Litchfield for another on-air appearance to plug the club and the give an update on our plans. While Scott and I have been doing the PR piece most of the way, I have to give a well-deserved thank you to the rest of our board of directors.

Secretary Jim Zeller and Treasurer Brendan Abbott have supplied the legal and financial expertise to get us set up properly. Jim took on the task of preparing our 501c3 documents for legal review. Now that everything is submitted, we're in the government hands now. We'll have to be content to wait for their approval. Brendan set up the accounting software that will help track the donations and club dues, ensuring we can donate every penny possible back to the THS football team. Most importantly, we want to be able to stay in touch with everyone that's donated and keep them up to date on club & team news.

Now that the tournament is close at hand, we're really getting fired up for a big turnout and what should be a great day. Some folks have put some hard work into the club and we hope to gain some serious traction with alumni and friends of the program.

That's all for now. Back to work around the house, I guess. Gotta keep that stone rolling!