Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Night Scrawl

Hello friends. I’m back after a short hiatus. Blogging is typically a daily or at worst a weekly effort. I haven’t been quite so generous. I hope that content compensates for frequency.

I have been on a journey over the past two weeks that can only be described as “defining”. I took a week of vacation and to insulate you from the details, let’s just say I made a few insights into my way of thinking.

Now, just because you have an insight doesn’t mean you take action. This is true in my case. After spending a fair amount of time in thought I realized that I need to make some changes. But since I am so “busy” I passed on the action piece.

The week after the vacation is where the real learning began. I volunteered for a project that appeared as lucrative as they come. No more pay. Same job responsibilities as always. No additional support. And lots of travel.

Well, where do I sign?

And I did just that. I signed up to be part of something special and fulfilling, though those rewards wont be seen for some time. And the twenty-three other blokes who followed suit must be questioned and analyzed for brain activity or lack thereof. What were we thinking?!

In all seriousness, I know what I was thinking. I know that changing the way you think impacts your entire life. Making excuses, procrastinating, blaming, and thinking things can never change are powerless paths in life. What’s required is the ability to craft solutions. And those answers are born of empathy, compassion, humility and a sense of service.

I couldn’t help but admire the Air Force Academy football team uniforms when I saw them playing on TV a couple weeks back. No surnames were stitched across the backs of our athletic servicemen. Instead, the jerseys read “Service” and “Freedom”. Impressive.

I try to approach my work with a sense of duty. I am paid to contribute my very best to those I serve. A service-first approach allows me to respond to my internal customers like a call to action. So, volunteering for a new role, one that can impact folks across a company of hundreds of thousands isn’t much of a choice.

I laid it out there last week with the hope of receiving huge returns. I was right. I think the others that joined me cashed in, too. The details of what we are about to do aren't important. What's important to know is that we will be on a journey of enlightenment. Turning an inward eye where our intent and desire germinate is educational.
One of our guides on our journey referenced pain. I've always been a big fan of pain. It reminds of us of our humanity, frailty and what it means to be alive. You never feel more alive than when youre in pain. And you never feel more fulfilled than when you find truth. Except when you allow someone else to find theirs.

See you next time, friends. Time for sleep. Monday beckons.