Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Musician Tracy Walton

I needed to pop a quick 2nd post this morning. I finally got a chance to listen to an old friend's new music. Please check out Tracy Walton's brand new tracks at http://soundcloud.com/tracywalton

Really clean sound and thoughtful lyrics. While i can express myself better with the written word than I often can verbally, music really earns my respect. All the elements that come together for a powerful song cut to the quick. No hesitating. No dramatic pause. It dives straight into the bloodstream releasing the happy endorphin's.

Way to go, Tracy. Great stuff!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting, Giving and Paying the Check

Giving to Get. An idea foreign to many. Instead, they get to get. Nothing outside of their circle matters much. Get what you can. You're entitled to whatever you can grab and call your own.
Get what you can get is not sustainable. Because someone who only practices 'getting' never builds anything. It's short term energy. Think of it as a buzz or a high. Sooner or later you're coming down.

I'm driving to work on Sunday and I see a woman on a payphone. I've driven past this convenience store where the back to back red payphones are mounted many times. I never noticed the phones before Sunday even though they're right next to the sidewalk. And they're painted bright red.

But today I see them and the woman with the auburn hair and orange tank top pressing a receiver to her ear. She is miserable. Mouth drawn tight like it was zipped closed from the inside. She stares intently at the pavement, listening. In the seconds it takes me to pass I don't see her speak. I can read her face well enough. She fought to maintain self control. Internally she wrangled with her demons . I didn't get to see the outcome.

I stopped at a light down the hill. Walking away from me on the left hand side of the street was a man wearing a dark blue tee shirt, cap, and shorts.. Wedged into his armpits were crutches; the silver and beige, hospital variety. He plodded ahead as deliberately as anyone I'd ever seen with a pair of sticks.

I wondered if he might be drunk or on drugs. Quick was I to judge. Especially after he stopped his slow march and raised his right hand up to lips. A shaking hand connected to a hair-covered arm brought the filter to lips. Cig smoke swirled. The pant leg on the left hung empty. It looked stiff like a leg had never been pushed through one end, past and to the other.

There's no expression I can read. All I'll ever get to study is the back of the head. He lowers his hand, cig still clenched between your first and middle finger. And starts shuffling along.

Did he give to get? Or did he give to give? I am only permitted to guess. Car accident? Disease? Military service? Street injury? Could be any of them, I guess. But the deliberate slowness of his movements had me thinking he was sedated within an eyelash of toppling over unconscious.

Give to get? Give to get even? How about give to settle up? How comfortable are you with the thought that there's a scorecard out there for you and what you do? One day you be called to pay the check. Clear your tab. Some might be lucky if it only cost them half a leg. You see them. Maybe you know one of them? Stomping through life like my daughter when she doesn't get her way and marches off to her room. Everyone on the street can feel it. Stomping like Godzilla through Tokyo.

Get to give back? Get to consume? Where do you fit on the scale? Get ready if you're used to getting. Your hour of giving could be nearer than you think.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Street Cred

There's a stretch of urban road I drive on that is painfully slow. Every 100 feet a stoplight grinds traffic to a stop. Literally, you hear people slamming on their breaks or hear worn breaks scraping. You just don't expect to have to stop that often so when the green goes yellow and that damn yellow lasts two seconds, the result is lots of drivers stopping short.

I mentioned that this is a very urban area. If you live on this 4 mile stretch of road you have to sign a waiver. The waiver states you must ignore all rules of personal safety you've ever learned from your parents, school, friends, after-school TV specials. You are expected to randomly step off curbs and walk into traffic. You must cross at crosswalks just as the light turns green for the cars poised to run you down. And you are required to walk slowly. If you hurry along I'm sure they must run you out of the neighborhood.

All small children must be left to their own devices. Holding a toddlers hand while walking down the street or crossing is strictly forbidden. Men's pants must be worn prison-style – well below the buttock exposing underpants. Women are expected to wear only the tightest fitting clothing that still allows circulation of blood and respiration similar to that of a person climbing a high altitude peak. All persons not engaged with a Smartphone must leer menacingly at all passersby's in automobiles; unless, of course the passengers of the vehicle happen to be neighborhood denizens. If so, the vehicle is required to stop, the pedestrian must lean upon the car and "conversate" until the line of cars behind the hooptie become sufficiently frustrated.

So I'm navigating this street trying to remember all the rules when I see them. Two 20-something neighborhood toughs walking in the same direction I'm rolling. Covered in tattoos and scars, muscled and clad to impress, the men swagger in harmony. The gridlock allows me to observe them longer than would normally be possible. I sat in their blindspot, back and to the left.

Reactions from people of the street varied. Some dropped their eyes – usually elder people. They probably hoped not to be victimized. Women of similar age smiled or greeted them warmly – no fear. Women slightly older pretend not to see them or bring a hand to their mouth or eyes – terror? shame? Children waiting for the bus to school visibly moved closer together and their once geese-like chatter fades to whispers – respect or just scared?

It's obvious these men rule the street. Or maybe their organization does. Either way, they move unopposed. I wonder at the source of their power. Is it their potential to deal violence? Their reputation for having done so in the past? Are they unstable? Maybe they're not local toughs and are trespassing on another group's turf?
I get my answer soon enough. Our stop and go procession reaches a corner featuring a leaning telephone pole. Flowers, stuffed animals, candles and a portrait are arranged around the pole's cracked base. Shards of glass have collected on the asphalt, up against the curb.

The men drop to a knee beside the memorial, making the sign of the cross. Heads bowed, lips move in prayer. One man throws a supportive arm across the shoulders of the other. Eyes are closed tight. Shoulders rise and fall slightly. Sobbing.

My light is green but I don't move. No one beeps. Five seconds or so pass and I return to the present. I glide through the now-yellow light just in time roll up to the next red signal. I digest the transformation just witnessed. I think about the reactions of the people on the street again. Different perspective now. Can't forget that perspective thing.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This is the word of the Bacon(Lord)

Movie Titles Replaced with Bacon
Bacon is one of the finest gifts nature provides to man. There are foods considered by many to be superior to bacon. Bacon is not typically considered gourmet food. I beg to differ. It is a heavenly food, though some religions do not allow it’s practitioners to eat pork. That, my friend, is a true sin.
My devotion to bacon runs deep and in tribute I offer this. A list of movies and books with Bacon substituted in the title. Some are funny, some are forced. Some are actually far more interesting when bacon is added to the plot. I would much rather watch a movie with bacon tightly wound into the plot. Wouldn’t you? Enjoy and please feel free to add your own submissions! The more, the greasier!
Bacon(Conan) The Barbarian
The Princess Bacon(Bride)
Scent of a Bacon(Woman)
The Bacon(Bridges) of Madison County
The Book of Bacon(Eli)
Escape to Bacon(Witch) Mountain
Star WarsThe Bacon(Phantom) Menace
The Bacon(Clone) Wars
Rise of the Bacon(Sith)
Star Bacon(Wars)
The Bacon(Empire) Strikes Back or The Empire Strikes Bacon(Back)
Return of the Bacon(Jedi)
Lord of the Bacon(Rings):
The Fellowship of the Bacon(Ring), The Two Bacons(Towers), Return of the Bacon(King)

One Flew Over the Bacon(Cuckoo's) Nest
The Bacon(Social) Network
The Bacon(Karate) Kid
Bacon(Dinner) for Schmucks
Robin Hood Prince of Bacon(Thieves)
Bacon(Valhalla) Rising
Inglorious Bacon(Bastards)
Get Bacon(Smart)
Lord of Bacon(War)
Encounters at the end of the Bacon(World)
I've Loved Bacon(You) So Long
A Bacon(Mighty) Heart
Talk to Bacon (me)
The Bacon (Bank) Job
Saving Private Bacon(Ryan)
The Dark Bacon(Crystal)
Bacon(Strangers) on a Train
The Magnificent Bacon(Seven)
Above the Bacon(Law)
The Usual Bacon(Suspects)
The Longest Bacon(Day)
Top Bacon(Gun)
Full Bacon(Metal) Jacket
Its A Wonderful Bacon(Life)
Bacon(L.A.) Confidential
My Cousin Bacon(Vinny)
Silence of the Bacon(Lambs)
Presumed Bacon(Innocent)
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Bacon(Ark), Temple of Bacon(Doom), the Last Bacon(Crusade)
Bacon(Angel) Heart
Bacon(Love) Actually
Apocalypse Bacon(Now)
Edward Bacon(Scissor)hands
Nobody's Bacon(Fool)
Butch Bacon(Cassidy) and the Sundance Kid
Cool Hand Bacon(Luke)
Bacon(Time) Bandits
The Bacon(Bucket) List
Rio Bacon(Bravo)
The Pride of the Bacon(Yankees)
King Bacon(Kong)
Over the Bacon(Hedge)
James and the Giant Bacon(Peach)
The Nightmare Before Bacon(Christmas)
Crouching Bacon(Tiger), Hidden Sausage(Dragon) – a true tribute to Pork!
Moby Bacon(Dick)
East of Bacon(Eden)
The Girl With the Bacon(Dragon) Tattoo
B is for Bacon(Burglar)
The Bacon(Grapes) of Wrath
Wuthering Bacon(Heights)
Gotta run - "I'm wicked stahved!"