Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This is the word of the Bacon(Lord)

Movie Titles Replaced with Bacon
Bacon is one of the finest gifts nature provides to man. There are foods considered by many to be superior to bacon. Bacon is not typically considered gourmet food. I beg to differ. It is a heavenly food, though some religions do not allow it’s practitioners to eat pork. That, my friend, is a true sin.
My devotion to bacon runs deep and in tribute I offer this. A list of movies and books with Bacon substituted in the title. Some are funny, some are forced. Some are actually far more interesting when bacon is added to the plot. I would much rather watch a movie with bacon tightly wound into the plot. Wouldn’t you? Enjoy and please feel free to add your own submissions! The more, the greasier!
Bacon(Conan) The Barbarian
The Princess Bacon(Bride)
Scent of a Bacon(Woman)
The Bacon(Bridges) of Madison County
The Book of Bacon(Eli)
Escape to Bacon(Witch) Mountain
Star WarsThe Bacon(Phantom) Menace
The Bacon(Clone) Wars
Rise of the Bacon(Sith)
Star Bacon(Wars)
The Bacon(Empire) Strikes Back or The Empire Strikes Bacon(Back)
Return of the Bacon(Jedi)
Lord of the Bacon(Rings):
The Fellowship of the Bacon(Ring), The Two Bacons(Towers), Return of the Bacon(King)

One Flew Over the Bacon(Cuckoo's) Nest
The Bacon(Social) Network
The Bacon(Karate) Kid
Bacon(Dinner) for Schmucks
Robin Hood Prince of Bacon(Thieves)
Bacon(Valhalla) Rising
Inglorious Bacon(Bastards)
Get Bacon(Smart)
Lord of Bacon(War)
Encounters at the end of the Bacon(World)
I've Loved Bacon(You) So Long
A Bacon(Mighty) Heart
Talk to Bacon (me)
The Bacon (Bank) Job
Saving Private Bacon(Ryan)
The Dark Bacon(Crystal)
Bacon(Strangers) on a Train
The Magnificent Bacon(Seven)
Above the Bacon(Law)
The Usual Bacon(Suspects)
The Longest Bacon(Day)
Top Bacon(Gun)
Full Bacon(Metal) Jacket
Its A Wonderful Bacon(Life)
Bacon(L.A.) Confidential
My Cousin Bacon(Vinny)
Silence of the Bacon(Lambs)
Presumed Bacon(Innocent)
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Bacon(Ark), Temple of Bacon(Doom), the Last Bacon(Crusade)
Bacon(Angel) Heart
Bacon(Love) Actually
Apocalypse Bacon(Now)
Edward Bacon(Scissor)hands
Nobody's Bacon(Fool)
Butch Bacon(Cassidy) and the Sundance Kid
Cool Hand Bacon(Luke)
Bacon(Time) Bandits
The Bacon(Bucket) List
Rio Bacon(Bravo)
The Pride of the Bacon(Yankees)
King Bacon(Kong)
Over the Bacon(Hedge)
James and the Giant Bacon(Peach)
The Nightmare Before Bacon(Christmas)
Crouching Bacon(Tiger), Hidden Sausage(Dragon) – a true tribute to Pork!
Moby Bacon(Dick)
East of Bacon(Eden)
The Girl With the Bacon(Dragon) Tattoo
B is for Bacon(Burglar)
The Bacon(Grapes) of Wrath
Wuthering Bacon(Heights)
Gotta run - "I'm wicked stahved!"

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