Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tracy Walton and ?????

So my friend Tracy Walton put out a request for band name ideas. I couldn't resist giving it a try. Now I'm obsessed with finding just the right combination that will be what the artist known as Tracy Walton (he's always used that name, I think) is looking for.

Here we go.

From earlier submissions, Tracy Walton & The Black Top Two got some positive energy. I tried some others but personally I think they fell short: The Black Top Cruisers, Riders, Guild, Rovers, Pilgrim, Rangers.

Then I tried some random stuff. The Blue Wave Mission. Black Mountain Mission. Silver Stone Guild. Red River Revival. The Long Necks. Black Mortar Mill. Fate Grove. The Ranch Hands.

Then I thought that occupations make good band names. The Journeymen. The Attendants. The Tradesmen. The Brickmasons. The Surveyors. The Producers. The Machinists. The Craftsmen. The Riggers. The Miners. The Explorers. The Founders. The Agents, The Technicians, The Butchers, The Inspectors, The Caretakers, The Specialists, The Wardens, The Meatcutters, The Cashiers, The Stewards and there's probably a thousand more.

Then there some other random names and idioms: The Nomads, The Tribesmen, The Hacks, The Starters, The Entree's, The Transmissions, The Satellites, The Weathervanes, The Best Medicine, Your Own Medicine, 4 Out Of 5 Dentists, The House Divided, Thousand Word Picture, Against The Clock, The Same Boat, The Back Seat Drivers, High Water, Crying Wolf, Curiosity's Cat, The Dead Ringers, Drastic Measures, Fool's Gold, Brass Tacks, Graveyard Shift, Gut Feeling, Loose Cannons, Metal Pedal, Pulling the Plug, Both Worlds, Prime Power.

I'm out of gas for now. Any feedback, appreciative or constructive would be cool.

More Spider Stories coming tonight!

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