Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Monday, May 18, 2015

Novel Project News

Announcing The First Draught Horror Novel Project!

(Originally Posted in November 2014) Each week, I'll be adding a new chapter to my supernatural, mystery, horror novel "Road Show". Since posts to this site appear in chronological order, if you're new to the story, you could stumble in mid-story. So here are some added precautions.

1. This intro will remain as the first entry each week on the home page of The First Draught. This should provide a little separation so you don't mistakenly start reading ahead in the story.

2. Each chapter has a tag like "chapter1" or "chapter2" that you can access in the sidebar on the right-hand side. Or search the drop down menu in the Blog Archive section, also in the right-hand sidebar.

I hope these modifications will enrich your reading experience. Please don't hesitate to post feedback & comments. Your input is valuable!

Enjoy the story. And from all of us here at The First Draught...pop the top, pour some more and sip sweetly!

June 2015 Update: The project has finished. Only the first 2 chapters are still here on the blog. The rest can be found in the Amazon Kindle store.

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