Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks, Man!

I decided I would put together a list of stuff I was grateful for since the holidays are here. That's what we're supposed to be doing, right? Before I get caught up in the pagan side of the holiday season I thought I would compile my list before my perspective was skewed by searching for gifts and holiday road rage.

Here we go!

1. All the stuff we're supposed to be thankful for, that if we forgot them, we would be vilified. So that's spouse, children, parents, religious figurehead, yadda, yadda, yadda and ok....we're done.

OK. Good. Got that out of the way. Now for the cool stuff.

2. Pants that expand on the sides
3. Expandable top button on collared shirt
4. Clean opened ketchup bottle caps 
(or any condiment)
5. Comfortable shoes
6. Clean fork tines
7. Clever billboards and bumper stickers

8. People who smile
9. People who hold doors open for others
10. People who let you get in front of them in the express line when they see you just have 1 or 2 things and they have 12 things
11. People who never get in the express line with more than 12 things
12. People who exercise patience at the DMV or anywhere else you have to wait in line
13. People who speak up against impatient people acting foolish in public
14. People who stand up to bullying
15. Bulls who stand up to matadors
16. Christmas music
17. Good wine
18. Great scotch
19. Superior cigars
20. People who trust
21. People who listen
22. People you can trust to listen and not repeat it
23. Seats in cars with adjustable lumbar support
24. People who let you change lanes on highways instead of squeezing-up to block you
25. People who block the people racing up the right-hand breakdown lane to get ahead
26. People who remember to shut off their high beams
27. Person who invented high beams
28. People who use soap, water, deodorant and toothpaste
29. People who don't bathe in cologne
30. People who don't litter
31. People who pickup litter
32. People who pickup the people littering and give them a ticket
33. People who share
34. People who share stuff I really like
35. Fast acting pain relievers
36. The Neti pot (I'm bowing in worship right now)
37. Jokes that make your stomach hurt (John Gronnel)
38. Perfectly poured Guinness
39. Sloppy excess cheese on French Onion soup
40. Mute button
41. Caller ID
42. Strong coffee
43. Salsa with crazy ingredients
44. Big portions
45. Bigger napkins
46. Cup holders in places you don't expect them (can we get one on urinals at sporting events?)
47. Customer service people who get it
48. Home made food
49. Professionally made gifts
50. Any gift a kid makes

So that's my list. I could go on forever. Why don't you add some of your own? 

In all seriousness, happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Especially to anyone who cannot be with people who are important to them or are serving our country abroad. Be safe. Be at Peace.

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