Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Friday, January 6, 2012

#21 Story in a Box

Myrna experienced desperation before, but that was over two years ago. With the deadline fast approaching she needed a story. And it had to be something she could sew up quickly. The time to research and conduct opposing viewpoint interviews just didn't exist.

She decided to go back down to the docks and snoop around. She'd done a story on dangerous working conditions in the city a while back. Maybe someone would remember her and give her some quick information.

The wind coming off the water bit into her cheeks. It stung like a cold slap, the kind the nuns used to give her when she misbehaved in school. Though the wind turned her face bright red, Myrna had overdressed. Too many layers, but she was too far from her car to run back now.

She walked awkwardly along the pier .The planks were slick with seawater. She struggled to keep from falling but her foot shot backwards and she pitched forward toward the deck. She winced expecting impact. Instead, strong arms hoisted her upright and guided her into the wide doorway of a shabby office.

"Nearly had a rough go of it there, wouldn't ya say?" asked a man who looked as weathered as the pier she slipped on.

"Almost," nervousness obvious in that one word. "Who are you?"

"I'm nobody. But I know who you be. Things be much safer since you last come round."

"Glad I could help."

"It's no help, miss. Too many eyes that needn't be, are spyin' around here. Always casting about since your reportin'."

"I didn't know," Myrna said. She had her first thoughts about her safety.

"How could ya? Anyways, I'd bet a month's pay you're back here for another story."

"I don't actually have one yet," she said in all honesty. "I was hoping to find something new."

The longshoreman went to the door and looked around on the pier. He came back and opened a chest behind a desk. He put a box on the desk. It looked battered and filthy. A single keyhole on one side was the only clue.

"Your story's in that there box, miss."

Myrna looked up at him. He wasn't going to tell her anything, she knew that. She needed to open it herself. She reached out and took a key from the man's gloved hand. She held it a moment studying the box. Then with a deep breath she pushed the key in and turned. Click!

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