Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Friday, January 13, 2012

#25 Vines that Bind

Being a member of the famous Swanson family has many advantages. Even though my uncle, Paul Swanson was the man to bring acclaim to our family, we all benefit from it.

If I go out to eat and pay by credit card or am recognized, the server or restaurant owner would come directly to the table. With wide eyes, they ask, "Sir, are you the Paul Swanson of Swanson Vineyards?"

When I say 'yes' to their inquiries all kinds of good things happen. I've had my check torn up. Bottles of wine and champagne magically arrive at the table. Humble requests for tours of the vineyards and wine cellars are common.

At first, I looked forward to the attention and freebies. That is, until I went to work for my Uncle Paul. My dad passed away while I was taking classes at our community college and working as an office person for a large greenhouse and sod farm. Dad and his brother built the winery from nothing. While Paul was the face of the brand and did all the publicity stuff, my dad devoted himself to the grape.

He never forced working at the vineyard on me. But when he passed I had this compulsion to take his place. Mom would've been proud of my choice, I think.

So I left school and the office job and joined with Uncle Paul. He was thrilled.

"Your dad's blood is in the ground, kid," he said. "His soul is out there with the vines. I know it. I can't tell you how pleased I am to have you here."

Uncle Paul set me up with my Dad's right-hand man, Vernon. Vern knew as much about wine-making as my Dad. For some reason he didn't get along with Uncle Paul. He pulled me aside on my first day with him.

"We're going into that barn." He pointed to a large red barn set back from the other buildings. "After today, you'll never go in there again. Understand?"

"I guess so. But why not."

Vernon looked around like he was afraid of something. Then he said in a low voice, "That's the fertilizer barn. The secret behind this vineyard's award winning grapes and wines. You never, ever want your Uncle Paul to know you've been inside that barn. Got it?

"What's the big secret? Is it something illegal?" I asked.

Vern looked around, rubbing his gray beard. He shook his head. "No. Nope. Can't now."

Then he put his arm across my back and turned me away from the barn. "Tonight. Meet me here at midnight and you'll learn everything."

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