Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Friday, January 27, 2012

First Draught Hangover

It's been a week since I've written anything of substance for the blog. It really feels like a hangover. Whenever I get the thought to write again, my stomach clenches and I think of some mindless other thing to do. But I've become disgusted enough with myself to put a plan together. As painful as it might be, I will get back to writing daily. Even if it's just two or three sentences, something productive will happen. It may be garbage, but it will be output. I can edit later.

So musician Tracy Walton suggested that since most of the 30 first drafts I wrote ended with cliffhangers that I could write serials. Every post would be "continued next time". I like the idea of that so I started outlining some ideas. Ironically my favorite ones have nothing to do with any of the thirty story ideas I had for the project.

There's something to be said for working every day. You just don't get as attached to the old ideas and stories if you're constantly brewing up new ones. I've always wanted to write stuff that fit between the tried and true genres. Maybe the right label is stuff that will fall through the cracks and never be widely read. Either way, it will get written.

I'm thinking of a dark/fantasy/horror combo. The settings could be fantastic or real-life. Making them dark gives them the creepy twist that makes you think the author is writing from the padded cell. And horror is just so much fun to write!

More to come. I'll announce the first serial soon and then it's off to the races! Til next time!

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