Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There's a backlog of blog topics in my capacity-limited brain these days. I find myself ranking life priorities daily and writing keeps getting shoved deeper down the list. The saying that resembles something like "we do what we want to do, not what we must do" certainly hasn't been accurate for me. While I run doing what I must, things I enjoy doing sit idly on the sidelines collecting dust and cobwebs. Alas, lives of the busy, eh?

At least I have a built in excuse: moving. Yes. We're definitely moving and there's been a whirlwind of activity associated with the ignition of the project. It's job related so the people who have the duty of first contact descended like locusts on a ripe field of grain. The toughest part? Getting the house ready for Realtors & inspectors. Not that there's anything to hide, but I always feel like somethings not shiny and clean enough for another person's review.

Ah, well. It can't be perfect. Not with two urchins rushing about, undoing what you did seconds after you leave a room. What I wouldn't give for Samantha from Bewitched to pop in and wiggle her nose to put it all back together. Or maybe Barbara Eden with a magic nod. Heck, I'd settle for Robin Williams impersonating a genie in Aladdin these days! At least the kids would recognize his voice and sit still for a minute.

Anyway, I'm keeping notes on story and blog ideas pretty organized so when I can get time to write there will be no shortage of topics to choose from. These days, it's about choices. We choose to do what's important to us at that time. For me, at least scribbling this entry was important. Now back to my regularly scheduled activity: driving! Ciao.

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