Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Foolin Around

Hi there. My name is Jake. I'm writing on my Dad's blog today because he is busy looking at houses on realtor.com. I guess we're moving or something. Anyways, I thought I'd kill some time since Casey is out shopping with Mommy and I'm between snacks. I went to Taekwondo this morning. I had a hard time paying attention. It was more fun to joke around with Nicholas than practice all those moves. The fun didn't last long. I saw my Dad shooting daggers at me from the seating area. I decided to start paying attention so I could get a gumball after class.
After class we went straight home and I didn't get the gumball. Bummer. I did eat some of Mommy's lasagna. I never had that before. It looked like a pie. A big meat pie! It was really yummy. After that we just hung out for a while. OK. My Dad is coming down the stairs. Signing off for now. I think I'll drink some water, put on some Drowning Pool and dance around the kitchen. "Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor!"

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