Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Should Be Writing

About a year ago I discovered podcasts via iTunes. I was searching for audio books and noticed something interesting that was available via podcast. So after checking out the vast array of podcasts available, not solely on iTunes but across the expanse of the web, the hook became firmly affixed in my mouth.

And I've never looked back. I load them to my trusty iPod and zoom along my commute brandishing zeal and confidence. I'll never be bored with my iPod locked and loaded with podcasts! Occasionally I defer to music if there's a mood thing happening but gimme podcasts any day.

One of my fav's is called I Should Be Writing hosted by Mur Lafferty. You can find her podcast on iTunes or on the web at http://isbw.murlafferty.com/. What's special about this cast is the host. Mur is a professional writer who lays out all her struggles, wins, faults and advice. It's all invaluable, really because it's 100% genuine. Recently Mur participated in a round table discussion with other fiction writer's and her self-deprecating humor energized the cast, both pod and panel.

I can relate to her struggle with discipline. There are so many shiny things out there that interfere with getting the work done. In the end, no matter where her mood might drag her off to, she returns to her craft with conviction. All our lives revolve around the balance of responsibility and entertainment. What we have to do meets what we want to do. What we want to do is just so awesome, why does that have to do stuff have to suck so much?

As a writer discipline is central to success. Whether you write a little every day or do it in massive bursts, the words have to land on the page. And if you exercise, spend time with those you care about or work on a project around the house - the same idea applies. Sitting on the porch with a cigar and a little bourbon always sounds better than layering up attacking my poison ivy-infested bank on the edge of the lawn. But I can't smoke away that mess. Well I guess I could set it on fire but I think you need a permit or a Smokey the Bear Junior Fire Explorer Badge to do that.

Anyway, check out Mur whether you write, want to write, fear to write or just love great podcast content. She's the real deal! Be back with a short story this weekend for you all!

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