Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gathering Gigawatts

That first post brought out a lot of negative energy. Though fun to write, I don’t think I could publish a rant for very long. How about once in a while?
The thing that’s propelled me to blog is my need to practice. You see, I’ve been writing for a very long time and always wanted to publish my fiction. I listen to a podcast called “Writing Excuses”. How ironic that I listen to the cast, even take notes on their wisdom, yet continue to cling to my own excuses about why I’m not writing.
It all comes down to time and value. The guys at WE summed it up saying that if you say you don’t have time to do something, you’re making a value statement. You simply value x over y. In my case, I’ve put together a list of things higher in priority than writing. Pretty simple to fix, right?
Sir Isaac Newton said a body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. I’m in motion again. This is similar to stopping smoking. It’s more a head game than anyone will admit to. Why? Because you sound weak if you say “I know I should quit smoking since I know it will kill me. But the nicotine is too powerful!” I heard an elderly woman in a grocery store say to her even more elderly mother, “Put that back, Mom. You know you shouldn’t eat that. You do have control over what you put in your mouth, you know.”
Genius. I truly admired that woman in the moment. Not for standing up to her mummified-looking, dusty mother, but for the naked truth in her statement. It’s all about choices and will.

I have these characters I’ve been living with for years. They appeared when I was a teenager and over the years have grown. Their unique personalities became deep and intriguing. I really like them. I’ve never been pleased with the plots I’ve stirred them into. I made these terrible tasting omelets despite using quality ingredients. Then I realized one ingredient that was consistently outdated. My writing. So, I’ll hone my chops here and eventually deliver the plots, storylines and conflict my characters deserve! You heard it here first.


  1. Rob, I never intended to write at all. I knew I had things to say but I didn't think it was relevant or anyone would care. Most don't anyway but I don't care what people think anymore. I used to but now I don't because I realized people are busy. They have their own lives to deal with and I have my own. My own life just happens to be the same thing that most people's lives don't have time to fit into theirs.

    Stories are stories. I find writing them as a kind of therapy. I feel better after writing them, as stupid as they might be, but I know I will go back and change them.

    I have said this to a number of people since I have been writing for a couple of year. I see writing like taking a shit. I know I have to go so I do but I also know I won't wipe that well the first time and will be back a couple of times to clean myself out. That's when I know it's time to rewrite.

  2. Well said! And thanks for the images you conjured up. You know what, it is like a bowel movement. It's alomost painful if you don't release.

  3. I had a pretty good comment but there were too may characters. They only accept 4,096 characters. What a weird number to decide as a cut off point.

    Well, I'll get around to telling you that other stuff. I didn't think I had to count characters. That sounds stupid to me.
