Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Friday, November 12, 2010

Numero Uno

Holy moly! My first blog post. Ok. Got that out of my system. The truth is, I've always felt constrained by the character limits of FB status updates. And when I write a note, no one ever reads them. So I'll give blogging a shot.
First order of business are my ground rules. There shall be no editing aside from a quick glance for grammar and spelling f-ups. I'm going for a stream-of-consciousness style here. And that's it for ground rules.
Today's topic. Hmmm. I'm still searching for what I'll call these. I'm too young to call it "Rob's Wisdom". I'm not that savvy to label anything "advice". How about mixing an old nickname with a dash of humility?
Buddha's Counsel: Today's counsel pokes a finger at complaining. I knew it wouldn't be long before I tried to pin this unenviable character flaw to the ground. Iam subjected to a large amount of complaining each day. This is not to be confused with hearing complaints. There are many whiny people I tune out because I don't know them, don't want to know them or don't want to get sucked into their trivial problems at that moment. So the counsel? Two choices.
Choice A is ignore the complainer and shove off as fast as your legs can carry you. Don't look back either. That's like falling down when the horror movie killer is following you. Doom.
Choice B is tell them to give it up. Find a solution. Complaining does not fix problems, it induces ear aches, promotes upset stomachs and chases away all humans in a thirty foot radius. I know because when I slip up and complain I can visually see the other person tuning me out. There's actual pain arcing across their face as I lay out my gripes. If I'm sharp enough to catch it, I'll quickly change the subject. But sometimes I just keep venting and suddenly, people are making excuses to get the hell away from me.
How come I can spot other people complaining, even preparing to complain as proficiently as a sleeping dog hears its master jingle car keys, and suddenly is up sprinting to the door? It's because its uncomfortable, down right agonizing to have someone else drop their annoyances on you like one of those fishing nets that have the weights tied all around the outer edge. You have to fight for your very sanity, maybe even your life just to stop hearing that blathering.
Did I mention that I can be somewhat facetious and even just a little sarcastic at times? I'm outta fuel. Enough for the first leg.


  1. I complain to my dog since she doesn't have a clue and doesn't complain back. I talk to her all the time and usually I do it when I'm driving and she is lying in the back seat. I might look crazy but but I don't care. It only bothered me once, when I was stuck at the toll going over the Tappan Zee Bridge. I was talking to Kate and picking my nose, oblivious to everything around me. I finally looked up to see a bus load of high school girls pointing and laughing at me. I had nowhere to go and just waited it out.

  2. You might want to keep this up Rob. It's amazing how fast people lose interest. I get that all the time. "When is your next book coming out? I want something to read." I seriously can't do it that fast. I write something daily but it is a process. Sometimes I write stuff that is just down right bad and if I think it's bad I'm sure others will think it's even worse.

    I think a blog is different. People expect you to have off days and relish in the fact that you do. It makes you human. Writing a book or poetry, you really can't have a bad day. First off it won't be published. Secondly contemplate what you plan on accomplishing. Sit back and have a beer and think about what you plan on writing. I had notes and I have notes now so I have something to go on. You said you had characters in your head that you have been thinking about. Keep those character current and give them a voice and a name. Kate already has a name and I gave her a voice. She might not like it but she won't even know, she just wags her tail.

    Although it's weird, it is important.
