Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Hit the road, one chapter at a time

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Upper Respiratory Death Match

As usual, when the winter months draw close, I am beset by upper respiratory woe. Sinus draining, post nasal drip caustically scoring my throat, ears ache, glands swell. It all makes for fun times. What could be more fun than a sore throat, mucus pooling in your face and no sleep? Not much, you say?

Well you're wrong! To the rescue come two titans of the over-the-counter remedy kingdom. These two heavy-weights bring an impressive record to the arena.

First up is hydrogen peroxide. Gargling with hydrogen peroxide not only sounds dangerous, but it tastes dangerous, too! Ever lick the tops of a 9 volt battery as a kid? Can you close your eyes and remember the taste? This is nothing like that, but it's so different than anything you regularly slurp, you'll really be alive with panic! Anyway, it's supposed to disinfect the bacteria loitering at the top of your throat where the viscous post nasal drip splash-lands. The neat thing about gargling this stuff is the foaming, pasty residue left behind on your tongue! You can use a half-mouthwash/half hydrogen peroxide mix, but that's for pansies.

HP's partner is equally fearsome: the neti pot. Filled with steaming hot saline, this charming blue pot has a curved spout you insert in your nose. Just tip your head to one side, and scalding saline fills your sinus cavity creating the sensation of drowning. Once the hot liquid fights past the blockage, it exits from your opposite nostril! No, really! You don't have to abuse cocaine or anything. It just comes right out the other side.
Now here's the best part. You'll want to alternate from side to side, but when you remove the spout to switch all hell breaks loose - literally. I'll spare you the details, but I'll say this: there's some nasty organisms residing in your sinuses. But they're no match for mighty neti pot and it's saline spout of destruction!

You're probably wondering, "How could I pick a favorite amongst these two masters of bacterial liquidation?" You're right, it isn't an easy choice. If I was stranded on a desert island and could only have one, the choice is clear - neti pot carries the day. Not only is it effective in its work, but the whole novelty of pouring liquid in one nostril and exiting the other just never gets old.

If you'd like to see it done without making a committment, take a look at this fellow.

In the battle for sinus congestion supremacy, nasal irrigation is the champion. But every hero has a side kick, right? Sorry hydrogen peroxide. I love you, but you'll always be Robin to me. Never Batman.


  1. I broke my nose twice and have had a problem with it ever since. The first time was when I got hit by a car and the second time was when I was playing rugby against Northeastern. The guy was huge and I ran into his chest. Although I'm short he was easily a foot taller than me. I never got it fixed.

    After the game I talked to the guy that broke my nose. He said he was a second string tackle at the University of Alabama but transfered to Northeastern to get his degree in pharmacy.

  2. At 1 million views of the video, I wonder how many just cut it off when he goes to the coffee.
